Bolton Birch on BBC Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ Programme

2 September, 2022

Martin Dodd was speaking on BBC Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ programme (22/08/22) the daily consumer affairs programme with Peter White and Shari Vahl. He was talking about office use and demand, and how more organisations are focusing on being more flexible about workplaces following Covid and home working.

The feature revealed that Saga has saved £4M on closing 4 offices which they have reinvested and also plans from HSBC and Admiral Insurance.

Martin was asked whether he is seeing a desire to downsize and talks on other topics including restrictive covenants on industrial and business parks.

Martin Dodd, Director at Bolton Birch said; “It was quite nerve wracking, but I focused on the important issues in hand and hope I represented the region and the profession well.”

Judge for yourself. The topic appears 28 minutes into the programme, link here.